Y Talk: Climate Conversations Skip to main content

Y Talk

A student-led campaign to have one million conversations about climate change
"What’s the most important thing we can do about climate change? Talk about it."
Katharine Hayhoe, climate scientist

Raising awareness is the first step toward fixing a problem. That's why BYU students are talking about environmental problems—climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, and more—with classmates, friends, and loved ones. Will you help us reach one million conversations?

Log your conversation here.Check our progress here.

Any meaningful interaction—in person or online—counts. Here are helpful discussion prompts developed by Students for Understanding, a program of the BYU Sorensen Center for Moral and Ethical Leadership.

  • How have your personal experiences or observations shaped your perspective on the evidence surrounding climate change?
  • Do your religious beliefs influence how you feel about climate change? Share any experiences. Do your beliefs make it more important to you?
  • Are you personally worried about climate change? If so, how has this possibly affected you? If not, why do you think so?
  • How does BYU address climate change? What about BYU's sponsoring institution, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Does BYU or the Church have environmental responsibilities?
  • Share any frustrations or excitements you have with the way climate change is being dealt with right now? How do your peers feel about climate change? What about your friends and family?
  • How do you think topics surrounding climate change can be less political? What is required for unity in our country in addressing climate change?
  • How involved do you want the government to be in solving the climate crisis? What about the private sector? How important are individual efforts?
  • What are some actions you have already taken to address climate change? What else can you do?

And here are some guidelines for open and respectful conversations.

  • Be curious and listen to understand.
  • Think the best of everyone by showing respect and suspending judgment.
  • Note any common ground, as well as any differences.
  • Be authentic and acknowledge authenticity in others.
  • Be purposeful and to the point.

A student-led initiative

Y Talk: A Campaign for Stewards Everywhere

Inspired by climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, who visited BYU in November 2022, BYU students created an awareness campaign called Y Talk that aims to build bridges and explore solutions to climate change. In her forum address, Dr. Hayhoe taught, "Caring about God’s creation—which includes people and other living things already being affected by climate change today—is a genuine expression of our faith. It is a faithful acceptance of our responsibility, and it is a true expression of God’s love."

Loving All God's Creation | Katharine Hayhoe | 2022

Y Talk was featured in Dr. Hayhoe's BYU forum address and in her newsletter, at Weber State University's Intermountain Sustainability Summit, and at the Esri User Conference in San Diego. It was also featured in a Latter-day Saint Earth Stewardship webinar and in a Y Magazine podcast episode.

Many students worked on Y Talk, including Sterling Kerr, Olivia Burns, Karoline Busche Elle Compton, Elisabeth Currit, Danny Dudley, Kala'i Ellis, Sean Fitzgerald, Atlas Goodrich, Eliza Hammari, Lucy Harper, Chad Hyer, Jayden Itejere, Elias Johnson, Shannon Lambson, Katie Lawrence, Alex Long, Jacob Neil, Matthew Oschwald, Harriet Parkinson, Heather Phipps, Valeria Prieto, Mary Proteau, Ryan Quade, Molly Thatcher, and Nathan Thompson.

Staff and faculty advisors behind the project included Teresa Gomez, Dr. Ben Abbott, Dr. Brigham Daniels, Dr. Chip Oscarson, Dr. Andrew South, Dr. Neil Hansen, and Bremen Leak.

Special thanks to the BYU Library's Geospatial Services and Training Lab and to Latter-day Saint Earth Stewardship, a nonprofit and a BYU Sustainability partner, for their support.

By study and by faith

Each of us can add to the conversation. Leaders in economics, religion, journalism, politics, science, and other disciplines have visited BYU to discuss sustainability challenges. "I would hope you will continue to find creative solutions to help protect the future for all of God’s children in our world," said Elder M. Russell Ballard in a BYU devotional. "We should do whatever we can to protect and preserve the earth, to make life better for those who will live here."

In fact, all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been urged to be good stewards. In a worldwide address, Bishop Gérard Caussé taught, "Considering our individual circumstances, each of us can use the bountiful resources of the earth more reverently and prudently. We can support community efforts to care for the earth. We can adopt personal lifestyles and behaviors that respect God’s creations and make our own living spaces tidier, more beautiful, and more inspirational."

Our Earthly Stewardship | Gérald Caussé | October 2022 General Conference

Because God's creations include mankind, Bishop Caussé added that we must "love, respect, and care for all human beings with whom we share the earth...work tirelessly for peace and harmony among all nations of the earth...[and] do our very best to protect and bring solace and relief to the weak, the needy, and all those who suffer or who are oppressed."

For more on faith and stewardship, visit the Gospel Library entry on environmental stewardship and conservation or the resource library at Latter-day Saint Earth Stewardship.

"As God’s children, we have received the charge to be stewards, caretakers, and guardians of His divine creations."