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Bremen Leak, Associate Director, Sustainability & Continuity

July 13, 2022 11:02 AM
Bremen Leak, Associate Director, Sustainability & Continuity
Bremen leads strategic planning for sustainability and resilience at BYU. An experienced program manager, he has worked previously for Yale University, Johns Hopkins University, and the Natural Resource Governance Institute. He grew up in Kansas City, Mo., and earned degrees from BYU and the University of Oxford.

Carr Krueger, University Sustainability Officer

July 13, 2022 10:57 AM
Carr Krueger, University Sustainability Officer
Carr serves as the executive leader of BYU’s auxiliaries and programs, including the Sustainability Office. Prior to joining BYU, he and his wife raised their family in the Seattle area while leading two large consulting firms. A graduate of BYU and Cornell University, he has served on many BYU alumni boards and associations.

Lucy Harper, Sustainability Coordinator

February 19, 2023 07:23 PM
Lucy is a biodiversity and conservation major from the Seattle area. She splits her working time between the Sustainability Office and a local hydroponic farm. She has a passion for sustainable agriculture, cooking, and kayaking, and a new obsession with cross country skiing.

Sustainability Working Group

The Sustainability Working Group is committed to helping BYU follow principles of earthly stewardship. Formed in 2020, the current working group includes one undergraduate student, four academic staff, and four non-academic staff who meet regularly to support longterm planning and visioning.

Sustainability Working Group

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I have learned by study and faith that if we understand who we are, the purpose of life, and the reason the earth was created—and keep these things in mind—we will treat this earth, and all in it, in a higher, nobler way.
Elder Marcus B. Nash