Current Opportunities
Sustainability Office
- 3/20-21: Intermountain Sustainability Summit at Weber State University
- 3/27: BYU Disciple-Steward Lecture with Dr. Andrew Hedges, Religious Education, 4pm, location TBD
- 4/7-11: BYU Green Week
- 4/11: BYU Sustainability Professionals Conference
Stewardship Lab
Don't miss this semester's brown bag lunches for students and faculty. All lunches take place at 11am in 139 SCOB.
- 1/31: Dr. Matt Bekker, Geography
- 2/13: Dr. Eva Witesman, Ballard Center for Social Impact
- 3/6: Dr. Rob Christensen, Romney Institute of Public Service and Ethics
- 4/3: Dr. Steve Peck, Biology
Global Environmental Studies
Join Dr. George Handley and GES students for monthly movie nights at Dr. Handley's home.
- 1/21: Winged Migration
- 2/6: Intelligent Trees
- 3/6: Jane Goodall: Reasons for Hope and The Man Who Planted Trees
- 4/3: Wild Life
- Global Environmental Studies Club: Help plan student-led activities on campus. Sign up or see Instagram.
- Community Clean-up: Volunteer with Y-Serve on Saturdays in fall and winter semester. Meet by Jamba Juice at 8:50am to carpool. Projects end by 11:30am. More
- Latter-day Saint Earth Stewardship: Volunteer, join a local chapter, or attend an event. More
- Provo Bicycle Collective: Learn new skills, get dirty, make friends, help others. More
- BikeWalk Provo: Make Provo safe, convenient, and fun for all people to get around by bike or foot. More
- Conserve Utah Valley: Help with Slate Canyon Saturdays and other local projects. More
- Grow the Flow: Inspire change to save the Great Salt Lake, a precious ecosystem. More
- Provo's Sustainability and Natural Resources Committee: Volunteer with local advocates. More
I see … your commitment to a more sustainable future…. I would hope you will continue to find creative solutions to help protect the future for all of God’s children in the world. We are inhabitants of the same planet, and we are dependent upon each other for our mutual survival, happiness, and peace.
Elder M. Russell Ballard in a BYU devotional on March 3, 2020